Jika berkunjung ke Yogyakarta, maka kamu akan tau mengapa banyak orang bilang jika kota ini istimewa. Faktanya, beragam budaya masih sangat dijaga di negeri keraton ini, muai dari bangunan, tradisi masyarakat hingga kesopan-santunan yang tak lekang oleh waktu.
Salah satu bentuk nyata dari adat budaya yang masih ada yaitu Abdi dalem. Abdi ini adalah sosok yang secara sukarela mengurus keraton dan mengabdi kepada raja. Karena dilakukan secara sukarela, maka masalah gaji dan upah juga tidak dipermasalahkan. Lebih dalam tentang kehidupan mereka, simak dalam ulasan berikut.
Untuk menjadi serang Abdi, taka da lowongan khusus yang dibuka, semua abdi dalem datang secara sukarela kepada penguasa. Syarat mutlaknya adalah mereka harus punya sopan santun serta tata krama yang tinggi, bisa duduk di lantai dan bersila. Keharusan ini bukan berarti mereka orang rendahan, tidak sama sekali. Duduk di lantai ini ditujukan agar mereka selalu punya sifat yang rendah hati serta tidak pernah sombong.
Abdi dalem juga bisa datang dari dua jenis penduduk, rakyat biasa dan mereka yang masih ada hubungannya dengan keraton alias masih ada darah kerajaan. Dengan ini, pangkat dan gelar mereka juga akan berbeda-beda satu sama lain. Tak hanya itu, seragam yang dikenakan pun ada dua jenisnya, yang digunakan sehari-hari serta pakaian di perayaan khusus, jika kebetulan ada event spesial Keraton Yogyakarta, para abdi harus memakai dasi.
Ya, sesuai dengan namanya mengabdi, pastinya berat sekali menjalani tugas ini. Sebelum sah menjadi abdi, seseorang harus melewati lima tahapan dulu. Pertama, Sowan Bekti, dimana seseorang akan dilatih untuk benar-benar siap dan ikhlas. Selanjutnya ada magang selama 4 tahun, lalu ada Sawek Jajar –sang abdi mendapat nama baru dari sultan dan digaji 5 ribu rupiah per bulan. Setelah Sawek Jajar ada Bekel Enom di mana sang abdi mendapat kepercayaan dan dibekali dengan keris. Tahapan terakhir adalah Bekel Sepuh, saat abdi sudah dianggap layak dan menerima gaji Rp 15 ribu sebulan.
Gaji memang tak penting dan tak banyak, tapi bagi mereka gaji adalah ungkapan cinta kasih sultan. Gaji tersebut juga tak akan dibelanjakan, melainkan hanya disimpan begitu saja. Apakah yang didapat abdi dalem? Mungkin inilah yang dinamakan dengan berkah. Walaupun tidak banyak penghasilannya, para abdi ini bisa hidup dengan layak. Kehidupan seperti rejeki, anak, dan lainnya bisa terjamin dengan baik. Lebih dari itu, kedekatan dengan sang sultan adalah poin tersendiri yang pastinya tak bisa didapat oleh orang biasa.
Begitulah kehidupan abdi dalem, karena rasa pengabdian tulus mereka, ada berkah tersendiri yang datang menghampiri. Tanpa memikirkan apa yang akan didapat mereka hanya berpatokan bahwa kaya yang sebenarnya itu datang dari hati, selama memiliki budi yang luhur, sopan santun, maka hidup bisa bahagia.
Focusing on the body's organic clock might be a potential technique for treating disease, another examination appears. Two exacerbates that objective segments of the circadian clock executed a few sorts of disease cells in the lab and impeded the development of mind tumors in mice without hurting sound cells, the examination specialists revealed.
In lab tests and in mice, the treatment likewise murdered a kind of senescent cells—precancerous cells that have quit becoming because of a malignancy causing change.
The circadian clock directs many organic capacities, from rest examples to cell division. By focusing on parts of the clock apparatus, the mixes control two capacities that growth and senescent cells need to survive, the specialists found. The NCI-supported examination was distributed January 18 in Nature.
"This investigation features how circadian rhythms and tumor science cross, how imperative these two fields are to each other, and how we may start to misuse that relationship to target malignancies," said Joanna Watson, Ph.D., a program executive in NCI's Division of Cancer Biology, who was not associated with the examination.
The examination specialists plan to build up a medication like the considered mixes to treat people and accept there are numerous potential applications for such a treatment.
"We have discovered a totally new class of targets, so the alternatives are boundless," said the examination's senior agent Satchidananda Panda, Ph.D., an educator at the Salk Institute.
The Rhythm of the Circadian Clock
The circadian clock is a complex natural hardware that controls the day by day cadence of capacities, for example, rest, body temperature, and assimilation. The ace "clock" is a territory in the cerebrum that faculties natural signs, (for example, light) and imparts data to optional checks in different organs.
Likewise, every cell in the body contains its own particular clock that controls the day by day wavering of numerous phone capacities. All checks in the body are for the most part in a state of harmony, enabling the life form to adjust to its condition and keep up a natural adjust.
The circadian clock controls the "on" and "off" cycling of numerous capacities that are imperative for malignancy advancement. Interruption of the clock may make these capacities stall out "on" or "off," making the correct conditions for tumors to create and develop, Dr. Panda clarified. Concentrates by his gathering and others have demonstrated that the initial phase in growth improvement upsets circadian rhythms.
REV-ERB proteins are key segments of the clock apparatus that quell organic capacities that disease cells rely upon, for example, cell division and cell digestion. So Dr. Panda and his partners chose to research whether intensifies that initiate REV-ERBs (known as REV-ERB agonists) may have the capacity to execute tumor cells by blocking capacities they have to keep developing.
In lab tests, the scientists found that two REV-ERB agonists slaughtered diverse sorts of disease cells (counting cerebrum, colon, and bosom), despite the fact that the cells had distinctive hereditary changes that drive malignancy development. The REV-ERB agonists did not execute solid cerebrum or skin cells, be that as it may.
These discoveries recommend that medications that initiate REV-ERBs possibly could be utilized to treat a wide range of sorts of malignancy, the scientists clarified.
"That at first shocked us since it is exceptionally uncommon to discover such flexibility in a solitary medication," said lead specialist Gabriele Sulli, Ph.D., additionally of the Salk Institute. Be that as it may, when the scientists found how the REV-ERB agonists execute cells, it progressed toward becoming clearer why these mixes influence such huge numbers of kinds of growth cells.
Kicking Cancer Where It Hurts
In spite of the fact that REV-ERB proteins control a few natural capacities, the specialists found that the agonists square two particular pathways. One, called autophagy, is a reusing like process that debases pointless, harmed, and dangerous particles to produce supplements. The other pathway is the amalgamation of fats called lipids.
Both lipid union and autophagy give building squares to make new cells. Sound cells require just low levels of these pathways, however tumor cells depend on them intensely in light of the fact that they are continually isolating.
"So it bodes well that the impact of the medication is autonomous of the sort of growth and the instrument that is driving persistent cell expansion," Dr. Panda said.
Past research has demonstrated that, in mice, one of the two REV-ERB agonists utilized as a part of this investigation can cross the blood-mind hindrance, a limit that regularly keeps drugs from achieving the cerebrum. Furthermore, when Dr. Sulli and his partners broke down information from NCI's REMBRANDT (Repository of Molecular Brain Neoplasia Data) information entry, they found that, among individuals with a kind of mind malignancy called glioblastoma, those with larger amounts of REV-ERBs lived longer than those with low levels.
In light of these discoveries, the scientists tried their approach in two mouse models of mind growth. Treatment with the agonist lessened autophagy, executed glioblastoma cells, decreased tumor development, and expanded survival superior to anything a control compound.
Essentially, the scientists did not watch any indications of harmful symptoms in mice treated with the agonist.
The Danger of Senescent Cells
Dr. Sulli and his associates likewise thought about whether the REV-ERB agonists may slaughter different cells that rely upon autophagy and have disturbed circadian rhythms. Senescent cells—which quit developing to avoid disease arrangement—fit the bill.