Di Balik Kepingan Emas, Beginilah Derita Atlet Negara Cina Jika Gagal Meraih Medali

Bukan rahasia lagi bila dalam olahraga, Cina adalah negara yang terbaik di Asia. Capaian atletnya di beragam kejuaraan dunia adalah buktinya. Bahkan ketika negara Benua Kuning bermimpi masuk Olimpiade, di tahun 2008 mereka sudah mampu mengungguli Amerika Serikat untuk menjadi Juara. Di Asian Games 2018 ini pun, Cina kokoh bertengger di nomor satu dengan torehan 100 lebih emas.

Tapi, gambaran hebat tersebut juga menyimpan hal kelam, khususnya untuk atlet yang gagal meraih medali. Mereka yang tidak bisa menjawab ekspektasi dipastikan seperti masuk ke dalam sarang macam. Malahan beragam hal tidak mengenakan juga menjadi penghias hari-hari atlet gagal tersebut. Dan bagaimanakah derita tersebut? Untuk mengetahuinya simak ulasannya berikut.

Gagal meraih medali di cap sebagai aib nasional

Jika dibandingkan dengan mulut warganet yang kerap mencacimaki atlet Indonesia yang gagal. Hukuman kepada olahragawan asal Cina yang tidak bisa menjawab ekspektasi bisa dibilang jauh lebih berat. Melansir laman Tirto.id mereka yang gagal memberikan medali sesuai target akan dicap sebagai aib nasional. Tingginya target yang dilakukan oleh negara Asia Timur adalah salah satu cara untuk membuat atlet mereka senantiasa bisa memberikan yang terbaik untuk negara. Cara tersebut pastinya tidak bisa dibilang salah, namun juga sangat tak dibenarkan pasalnya konsep olahraga adalah menjunjung nilai kemanusiaan lewat sportivitas.

Citra mereka akan diperburuk dengan pemberitaan media

Selain hal tersebut, atlet yang tidak mendapatkan hasil sesuai target juga akan diberitakan dengan beberapa hal negatif. Vonis kejam seperti menjadi makanan sehari-hari ketika mereka kembali ke Cina. Tidak hanya itu saja, keluarga yang sebenarnya tidak bersalah juga akan mendapatkan gunjingan dan perlakuan buruk. Seperti salah satu contohnya adalah dirusaknya kediaman orang tua atlet tersebut. Tak jarang, berkat hal tersebut banyak atlet yang frustrasi dan memilih mengakhiri karier di olahraga lebih cepat lagi.

Beragam kemewahan akan dicabut sebagai hukuman

Citra negatif yang diterima oleh atlet Cina yang gagal menorehkan hasil baik rupanya berdampak kepada banyaknya fasilitas yang dicabut. Beragam kemewahan mulai pendidikan hingga pekerjaan dari pemerintah yang sudah dijanjikan akan dihapuskan. Kondisi berat tersebut semakin parah tatkala banyak atlet negara tersebut yang memiliki ketrampilan rendah. Dilansir laman BBC, lantaran latihan sudah digaungkan sejak kecil membuat banyak atlet yang memiliki pendidikan rendah. Hal tersebut pun akhirnya berdampak dengan banyaknya olahragawan negara Cina yang hidup di bawah kemiskinan di akhir hayatnya.

Ada yang harus rela hidup tidak enak di negeri sendiri

Dari sekian banyak atlet Cina yang terkena dampak tersebut, nama Wu Jingbiao dan Zhou Jun, bisa menjadi sedikit gambaran bagaimana kegagalan di negeri tersebut memang menyakitkan. Mantan atlet angkat beban ini merasakan hidup tidak enak di Negeri Tirai Bambu tersebut. Menurut Mantan Direktur Biro Olahraga Provinsi Zhejiang yang dikutip laman Tirto, mereka yang tidak mendapatkan emas tidaklah berarti apa-apa kecuali luka di sekujur tubuh. Hukuman untuk sebuah capaian atlet tidaklah bersumber pada pemerintah pusat namun dari pejabat daerah yang setiap kawasan diberikan target prestasi.

Melihat hal tersebut bisa dikatakan jika kehidupan atlet yang gagal atau berhasil memanglah jauh lebih enak. Kendati masih ada yang hidupnya menderita setelah berjuang untuk nama negara, namun bila dibanding dianggap aib negara sampai diserang keluarganya pastinya lebih baik menjadi atlet di Indonesia.

A group of analysts has built up a potential new treatment that may work in two particular approaches to assault tumors, as indicated by discoveries from another investigation. The potential treatment focuses on a protein called TNFR2. This protein is available at lifted levels on numerous tumor cells and additionally on a sort of invulnerable cell that can keep a malignancy patient's safe framework from assaulting tumors. Utilizing recently made TNFR2-focusing on antibodies they built up, the analysts demonstrated that the antibodies could slaughter ovarian growth cells that express TNFR2, and the safe cells that stifle the resistant reaction to tumors, called administrative T cells or T-reg cells. Critically, clarified the examination's lead examiner, Denise Faustman, M.D., Ph.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, T-reg cells gathered from the tumor site in ladies with ovarian disease were more touchy to the antibodies than T-reg cells from the blood of sound benefactors. This is likewise the main investigation to distinguish TNFR2 as an oncogene in ovarian malignancy, she included. "This means we might have the capacity to focus on the tumor and just the 'terrible' host T cells that are stifling the safe reaction. We ought to subsequently have the capacity to all the more totally protect the general resistant framework," Dr. Faustman said. The group's discoveries were distributed January 17 in Science Signaling. Solving two problems at once Specialists have known for quite a while that T-reg cells in the tumor microenvironment—the ordinary cells, atoms, and veins that encompass and feed tumor cells—express elevated amounts of TNFR2, Dr. Faustman said. TNFR2 is likewise present on some different sorts of resistant cells that assistance tumors sidestep an invulnerable reaction. All the more as of late, Dr. Faustman's group discovered that ovarian disease cells abnormally express TNFR2 and that enactment of this receptor advances tumor cell development. Other late examinations have indicated abnormal articulation of TNFR2 on a variety of tumor cell composes, "as an assumed oncogene," she stated, including colon and kidney disease, numerous myeloma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and a sort of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. These discoveries propose that TNFR2 could be an imperative focus for tumor treatments, composed Xin Chen, M.D., Ph.D., and Joost Oppenheim, M.D., of NCI's Center for Cancer Research (CCR) in a discourse on the new investigation. Blocking TNFR2 "may have the impact of taking out two targets with one shot: boosting antitumor invulnerable reactions and straightforwardly slaughtering tumor cells," they composed. More Potent Killing of Tumor Site T-Reg Cells The two TNFR2 antibodies created by Dr. Faustman's group are "hostile" antibodies: they join to TNFR2 and secure the receptor a latent state. Typically, TNFR2 is initiated when it hooks on to tumor rot factor (TNF), a substance created by some white platelets. Initiation triggers motions inside the cell that reason cells to partition and increment in number (multiply). The scientists found that the adversarial TNFR2 antibodies disposed of T-reg cells from blood tests of solid givers by keeping the cells from being initiated and multiplying, even within the sight of high groupings of TNF. The antibodies don't specifically slaughter T-reg cells but instead, the phones pass on after their multiplication is stopped, Dr. Faustman clarified. The group at that point demonstrated that the TNFR2 antibodies all the more intensely executed T-reg cells confined from liquid encompassing metastatic ovarian malignancy tumor destinations than T-reg cells from sound blood contributors. The hostile antibodies additionally straightforwardly slaughtered cells from a research facility developed ovarian disease cell line that communicates TNFR2 on the cell surface. These discoveries, said Dr. Faustman, propose that "we would now be able to specifically focus on the T-reg cells that express TNFR2 and are discovered prevalently in the tumor microenvironment." And albeit different individuals from the TNF receptor family are found on a wide range of cell composes in the body, she stated, "the excellence of TNFR2 is that it's communicated at abnormal states in the tumor and the tumor condition however is scarcely communicated anyplace else in the body." Subsequently, antibodies that square TNFR2 might be more particular and less harmful than antibodies that square other TNF receptors or antibodies that go about as invulnerable checkpoint inhibitors and are now used to treat malignancy. "For quite a long time, individuals have endeavored to figure out how to specifically kill the awful T cells at the tumor site, and this is the primary showing" this might be conceivable, said Dr. Faustman. Guarantee as Cancer Therapies The work by Dr. Faustman and partners "obviously demonstrates that TNFR2 rivals have guarantee as malignancy treatments," composed Drs. Chen and Oppenheim. "To accomplish an ideal antitumor impact, the TNFR2 opponent may must be utilized as a part of conjunction with different therapeutics," they proceeded. "TNFR2 enemies have the ability to dispose of T-reg movement and consequently may additionally upgrade the adequacy of current immunotherapeutics. Furthermore, concealment of tumor cell survival by the TNFR2 opponent may enhance the result of chemotherapy or radiotherapy in malignancy patients." "We're around 2 years from the center," Dr. Faustman said. "Our essential objectives are to demonstrate the adequacy of these antibodies in crisp human tumor tests and make sense of how to outline the best clinical preliminary."